Saturday, January 04, 2014

Cool App – Pay It Forward

Intero Cool Apps logo

By John Thompson, Executive Vice President, Intero Real Estate Services, Inc.
pay it forward app logoLooking for a great and easy way to make a resolution come true this year? Well, if you’re looking for a way to give a little back to the amazing world we live in, but don’t know where to start here is your app. Here at Intero, we’re always talking about giving back to the communities in which we serve so I was excited to find an app that did just that. Based off of the idea of doing one good deed a day, Pay It Forward was developed to remind us that helping others is the best way to make this world a better place.
Every day, Pay It Forward will send you a suggestion with an act of kindness that is designed to be simple, fun and effective. If you didn’t get a chance to do the act of kindness that day, the app will hold onto that task until it is completed. You can easily track your progress as you go and share your progress with your friends and family. Get motivation from others by viewing where other good deeds are being done all over the world.
The app provides an extremely easy way for you to check off the “give back” item on your list of resolutions and just think what a difference it will make. If everyone downloaded this app and did what it said on a daily bases, I think we would definitely succeed in making the world just a little better. Such a simple thing with the potential for an amazing result. Download it now and start giving back today!

Weekend Wellness

By Tammy Parkinson, CPT, ACSM, NASM, Nutritionist, Body Firm Personal Training & Nutrition
tammyThis past week, I’ve been reconnecting with several clients I’ve worked with over the last year.  In doing this…I simply cannot believe how fast this year has gone by!  “They” say time goes by faster as one gets older…which might be a true perspective; however with the right nutrition and fitness plan, it may go by faster, but at least we are healthy enough to keep up!
Here are my 5 top Fitness and Nutrition tips for 2013 as a recap to help slide into 2014 on the right foot (or hands, depending how you slide!)
Never let a 3rd day go by without some kind of activity. Ever.  This builds momentum and inertia…so you never feel that you’ve lost ground.  Your motivation stays strong and you always feel somewhat fit because truly…you’ve worked out consistently!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Realtor Satisfaction

This post dedicated to making Realtors feel valued and feel good.