Friday, May 15, 2009

Contest Entry

Team Patereau would really like to be better bloggers. We think our real estate business could benefit. We also think that you, the people we do business with and who read this already benefit from our blog, but there could be greater benefits.

One way to get better is to get educated. Hence this post. We’d like to win 2 tickets for the Social Media Success Summit 2009. Here’s what blogger Chris Garrett has to say about the summit:

All around the world people are very excited about Social Media Success Summit 2009 — the first major online event dedicated to helping you successfully market your business with sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. More than 500 people have already registered.

Chris goes on to explain:

This event does not require any travel (no hotel, rental car or wasted time). You simply attend sessions online and meet the experts and network with peers from the comfort of your home or office. Pretty cool, eh?

We say, “Well, Yes! Pretty Cool.”

We’re following the contest entry rules: Post a blog about why we want to attend Social Media Success Summit 2009. Here it is:

We want to attend so that we can be better bloggers, and our readers can benefit from what we learn.

It just doesn’t get any simpler than that! Wish us luck!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Today there are lots of great deals in the real estate market in Gilroy, and the surrounding area. Prices are lower than they have been in many years. It's a really good time to buy!

The other side of the coin is that when you buy, you will probably need a loan. There is money to lend! It's very hard to get. Borrowers have to have sterling credit AND assured income for repayment. There's a great article about how lenders evaluate a buyer's credit, by David Compton & George Smith. Check it out.