Saturday, June 15, 2013

7 Design Secrets for a House You Can Live in Forever

The words dream house may conjure up fantasy amenities and custom trims. But smart homeowners also imagine a home they can live in forever — with a young family, through busy midlife, and with many of the common physical limitations that getting older can bring, from arthritis to needing a wheelchair.

Universal design (UD) is the design of products and environments that are usable by most people, regardless of their level of ability or disability, and at little or no extra cost. From entryways to kitchens and bathrooms to bedrooms, they often increase the value of a home. UD brings together the principles of accessible design (meeting standards for handicapped access, using “adaptable” design, meaning “normal”-looking design that can be revised later for disabled use), ergonomic design (allowing people and things to interact most effectively and safely), and green design (environmentally friendly spaces). UD is sometimes also called “lifespan design.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Strong Price Gains Fuel Market Confidence

By Gino Blefari, President & CEO, Intero Real Estate Services, Inc.

Intero value #14 is confidence.  Confidence /con·fi·dence/ •noun.  Freedom from doubt; belief in yourself and your abilities.

Confidence is also the word in housing this week. At least that's what we're hearing from some of the top companies in housing finance.

JPMorgan Chase revised its forecasts for the industry, prompted by large gains in home prices. And Fannie Mae released its monthly national housing survey, showing a sharp increase in consumer confidence in the housing market.

Home prices could grow as high as 7.2% this year, according to JPMorgan's new report. Analysts at the bank studied prices and demand conditions as the market moves into summer. They revised 2013 predictions higher as well as projections for 2014 and 2015, with an expected 3.9% and 3.2% growth, respectively.